Friday, November 7, 2008


this year has been a year of hope in so many ways...

March 8th Malaysians all around showed that there was still HOPE for this country...hope that it could change...hope that it would change...n that day the politcal landscape of malaysia at least was changed forever...

November 4th Americans showed the whole world that there was still HOPE for change when they voted for Obama as the 44th president of the United States...n in his speech..he spoke of change n of hope...n even though he addressed the nation of america, the people of the world listened and heard him...

n they started to hope again as well...

November 7th as if in response to the hope of billions renewed jst a few days back, Malaysian Judge Syed Ahmad Helmy Syed Ahmad gave new hope to all Malaysians by freeing our beloved Raja Petra Kamarudin from the detention of the dreaded Internal Security Act...

this Act has never been stood up has been used in the worst of ways...

but now...finally...this brave Malaysian has proven this Act to be not as invincible as people thought...he has given us hope that things can, are, will change...

November 7th Malaysian Judge SM Komathy Suppiah showed Malaysians that she will not stand for people meddling in the justice system..she ordered that Anwar's trial remain in the Sessions Court n not be moved to the high court, which was initiated by a person whose motives were unclear...

she has given us hope...

this hasnt been easy...but at least we have something to hope for...n its not false hope...its a true hope...a genuine that can become that is already becoming reality...

1 comment:

Ruben Nair said...

i hope we party till we drop on the weeknd!!!!